As we continue to streamline and improve our current service offerings we have now updated and moved the redIT Webmail service.

The redIT Webmail service which uses the very popular Roundcube Open Source project has been updated to v1.0.5 and installed on a new server.

We have done this for two main reasons.
The first was that the server we were using it was getting difficult to maintain and update the Roundcube project moving forward due to the age of the server, and secondly we wanted to put the service behind our SSL Certificate making in secure.

The current Webmail service will continue to run until 27th February 2015 and will then be disabled. The new Webmail service is up and running now and can be accessed via

In the next few weeks we will also be updating the Webmail service to have better integration with our backend mail servers and we will inform you as we make these changes.

Please note:
You do not need to make any changes to your DNS Zone file or your eMail client as the settings for the eMail server have not changed.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

<< Geri